
Quantum entanglements

Quantum entanglements

I was investigating a classic type of entanglement: things that were happening in February suddenly appeared to be announced in a poster of last year’s October. My subjects thought that it was a mistake because they thought that nothing moves faster than the speed of light. Although quantum physics is an essential part of a photographic investigator’s life (especially an inter-dimensional one), it’s knowledge is not mandatory requirement in being qualified as a potential subject. Thank God.

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Broccoli, potatoes and telepathy

Broccoli, potatoes and telepathy

A photographic investigator does is not engaged all the time in traveling between dimensions or through time… She has mundane tasks to fulfil, just like any other “non photographic investigator” being. In that case I was reviewing a photographic investigation that took place some days before while I was steaming some organic broccoli and potatoes for my mother, listening at the same time an audiobook by Emily Cady, where telepathy was mentioned. My subject was a secret agent from a different time-space (I had investigated her so many times before but she always managed to surprise me). My conclusion (which came as an epiphany) after many investigations I did on her, was that surrealism and lack of coherence seemed to slow her down, giving me more time to photographically investigate her before she disappeared. Thus the title .

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A game of boomerangs

A game of boomerangs

A photographic investigator often starts her day seeking inspiration and today was a Florence Scovel Shinn day. The quote that stuck to mind was the following: “The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.” Something to think about…

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