
Dancing, 2017 style

Dancing, 2017 style

Predictions show that 2017 will be exciting and unpredictable in a good way, kinda like a new dance with no registered steps. With strong elements of instant decisions, faith in one's partner (or partners) and free will which will allow us to choose or create the steps, along the way. But, like any new dance, it will need space, otherwise things may be broken and the dancers may get hurt by an unfortunate placement of furniture... So, I guess, let's dance and see what happens... 

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The flight of the eagle

The flight of the eagle

Or the dance of observing… This performance made me think Krishnamurti's words from The "Flight of the Eagle" (1969): "One cannot learn about oneself unless one is free, free so that one can observe, not according to any pattern, formula or concept, but actually observe oneself as one is. That observation, that perception, that seeing, brings about its own discipline and learning; in that there is no conforming, imitation, suppression or control whatsoever - and in that there is great beauty. Our minds are conditioned - that is an obvious fact - conditioned by a particular culture or society, influenced by various impressions, by the strains and stresses of relationships, by economic, climatic, educational factors, by religious conformity and so on. Our minds are trained to accept fear and to escape, if we can, from that fear, never being able to resolve, totally and completely, the whole nature and structure of fear. So our first question is: can the mind, so heavily burdened, resolve completely, not only its conditioning, but also its fears? Because it is fear that makes us accept conditioning".

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Angelic movements (part II)

A routine dance performance photo shoot that started with no special expectations turned into a "dreamy renaissance noir ghost" series of photos with a hint of futurismo. This is the second part of what I call "angelic movements"...