Morning Verse

Mornings are the most powerful time of the day for a photographic investigator. And while she can best express the light that shines in her heart with each sunrise through photos, there are other enlightened beings who manage to do this with words. In Waldorf education, founded by Rudolf Steiner, the children say this “Morning verse” every morning:

I look into the world

In which the sun is shining

In which the stars are sparkling

Where stones in stillness lie

Where living plants are growing

Where animals live in feeling

Where Man, within his soul gives dwelling to the spirit.

I look into the soul that lives within my being.

The world creator weaves in sunlight and in soul-light.

To Thee, Creator Spirit, I turn my heart to ask

That blessing and pure strength

For learning and for work

May ever grow within me.

(Waldorf School morning verse as given by R.Steiner, 1924

Blessed be, all of you.